When we give a prompt and AI generative is not able to generate the images according to our prompt or it is not the way we want, it makes us feel quite frustrated and most of the time this happens and we are in a hurry.
Then don’t worry my AI Enthusiasts!
Leonardo AI has solved this problem quite well and introduced a new feature called “Leonardo AI Realtime canvas” which transforms your drawings into AI art and you can also give some instructions through the prompt.
And the amazing thing is that all this happens in Realtime, which means that you get a blank canvas on which you can draw with the help of the brush tool and it will generate your image in Realtime based on your drawing and prompt instructions.
We will discuss in detail in this article, how this Leonardo AI Realtime Canvas feature works and how you can use it so that you can generate perfect images for yourselves.
Also Read: Transform Your Images into Amazing Motion Videos
What is Leonardo AI Realtime Canvas?
Realtime canvas is a feature of Leonardo AI in which you are given a blank canvas on the left-hand side where you make drawings with the help of a brush tool and on the right-hand side, it analyzes your drawing and transforms it into AI art or AI photos.
This tool is popular because all this happens in Realtime as you make changes in the drawing; it keeps modifying your changes in your AI image.
Its interface is quite easy so whether you are a seasoned artist or a beginner, you will be able to use it easily. If your drawing is too dirty then no problem, it can transform your dirty drawing into beautiful AI art. (Don’t mind with dirty words, I’m just kidding guys).
The Realme Canvas feature is still in its beta phase, so it is not as impressive as it should be, but it will improve with time.
How to access Leonardo AI Realtime Canvas?
To access Leonardo AI realtime canvas, you must first create an account in Leonardo Ai and if you already have an account, log in.
After login, you will go to its dashboard, and at the top of the dashboard; you will get the option of “Realtime canvas“, by clicking on which you will be able to access this feature.

Some Important Tools & Parameters in Realtime Canvas
Before using Leonardo AI Realtime Canvas, you need to understand some of its tools and important parameters so that you can use it comfortably and create perfect images for yourself.
This is the dashboard of Realtime Canvas; now let us understand these tools and parameters step-by-step.

Navigating the Tools Section

Add Image: In this, you can add any image to your canvas; you can upload the image directly from your computer or from your personal feed (where you have created images) or even from your community feed (where other creators have images there). Mainly use this tab when you have already an image and you want to make some changes to it.
Select Tool: With the help of this tool you can select any elements you have created and move them. You can access it with the “CTRL + S” shortcut key.

Erase Tool: It is used to erase the current elements in your canvas and its shortcut key is “CTRL + E“.
Brush Tool: The canvas is your playground, and the brush is your wand. You can choose any color and draw anything on the canvas with the help of a brush tool and this brush tool is the most important because you draw with it and a realtime canvas generates AI art for you from this drawing.
Color Picker: It is as simple as that you choose your color but you also get two tabs one is “Background” and the other is “Brush“.

You can change the color of your background by selecting the background tab, by default it is black. By selecting the brush tab, you can draw with the brush in the same color that you have selected.
Color picker and code tab are given in which you can pick a color from your canvas and can also select a color by entering code.
Other Tools: Below the color picker, you are given a size optimizer to maintain the size of your brush and erase tool, the range of which is 1 to 200.
And you are also given the option to undo (CTRL + U) and redo (CTRL + R). With the help of “clear canvas”, you can delete your artwork and clear your canvas to rework.
Also Read: Leonardo AI Image-to-Image Feature (Step-By-Step Guide)
Navigate the Important Parameters

Prompting & Use Fixed Seed, Guidance: In prompting, there is no need to give you a detailed prompt, you just have to give instructions on whatever you want to change in your images and this is very important because we have analyzed that without prompt you cannot create perfect image.

With fixed seed, you can change the positions of your images which makes a huge difference to your images. If you try to use it you will find that just by refreshing the seed your images get completely transformed. To apply it you have to enable it. After enabling you will be able to apply it.
You can optimize the guidance parameter of how strongly you want to follow the prompt and its range is from 1 to 4.
Creativity Strength: With creativity strength, you can control your prompt guidance. The higher its value, the more creative your output will be, which means your input images will be radically changed, and the lower its value, the less will be changes in your output. And its range is 0.1 to 0.9.
Style Parameter: There are many style forms within this parameter such as photography, anime, painting, and dynamic. If you want to generate anime you will have to choose anime style. You can see by playing and testing with it.

Interactive Mode vs Realtime Mode

There is not much difference between real-time and interactive mode.
The interactive mode is a little bit slow and takes some time to show your results and the interactive mode keeps updating your AI art along with each action.
But Realtime mode is a little more responsive. It allows you to show your AI art instantly and you can see the changes in seconds but it is only for premium users.
Navigate the Top bar Menu Tools

Instant Refine: When your canvas is in interactive mode, your drawing is gradually shaped into art so that the result looks blurred, unrefined, and unrealistic, by using the “Instant refine” feature we bring your final result instantly. It ensures that your creative vision aligns with the final result.
Upscale Image & Setting: With upscale images, you can increase the resolution of your generated AI art and improve its quality. Your upscaled image is stored in your personal feed.
Alchemy Upscale: Usually, we use Alchemy upscale when our AI art is perfect but we have some unwanted things like 7 fingers, face overlapped, hand overlapped or anything that is not refined, so this feature refines your images and makes it better.

How to use Leonardo AI Realtime Canvas (with some examples)
If you have mastered the tools well then you will have no problem in using realtime canvas and you can generate perfect AI art for yourself from your simple sketch. Let us see with the help of some examples.
In this image, you can see, first of all, I have created 2 characters with the brush tool, one is a boy and the other is a girl. Sorry, my drawing is not that good.

Then I waited and 2 animes were created on the right-hand side. And I have used prompt because without prompt you cannot create such good AI images.
The prompt I gave is “An anime girl and boy, on the grass, river”. You can give instructions like this.
The creative scale is kept at 0.65. Usually, you can do this experiment.
I have used “fixed seed”, I experimented by changing the seed again and again and then I got this result.
Here are some examples that I have created.

How to use Inpaint Option?
We use the inpaint option when we have to change a particular area of our image so that our entire image does not change.
If you have generated AI art from your drawing but need to change an area of it but you do not want the entire image to change then we use the Inpaint tool.
To take the AI art in the Inpaint tab, you can click on the option of “Output to Input” which is just above your right-hand side or you can directly upload by “Add Image”.
Here is an example, I have just targeted the eyeball with the brush tool so the Inpaint tool has just changed the eyeball. This is how it works, hope you understand.

Another example,

In Conclusion
This is how we have explored Leonardo AI realtime canvas feature and also given some examples so that you can better understand it and use it properly.
This is a creative feature that increases your productivity and imagination and you can generate your perfect images with the help of realtime canvas and convert your drawings into AI arts.
Keep in mind that it is in its beta phase and it will improve a lot over time and push its boundaries. Leonardo AI’s realtime canvas feature differentiates it from generative AI and is a tough competitor to Midjourney.
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